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History of St. Joseph School of Pandacan

Humble Beginning: The Seed was Planted

Because of the desire of then Archbishop of Manila, His Eminence Rufino Cardinal Santos, D.D, to provide a school that would enable the children of Pandacan and its neighboring towns to receive good Catholic education; he founded St. Joseph School in 1955. With the efforts of Sister Marie Alice Dieltiens, ICM, the school’s first principal, the school grew rapidly and, in 1959, another building for the high school was erected behind the church to accommodate the graduates of the elementary school. At that time, however, the high school department accepted girls only.

A Deacade of Journey: The Seed Grew & Blossomed

Years later, the elementary building no longer could accommodate the growing number of young boys and girls seeking admission in the lower grades. The ICM sisters joined forces with the parents to apply for and obtain a loan for the construction of a new building, an annex to the high school building. This new edifice was blessed on November 28, 1971 by the late Rufino Cardinal Santos, Bishop Bienvenido Lopez, and Msgr. Victor Serrano, with Miss Demetria Pujante, Superintendent of Private Schools of the City of Manila and at the same time, President of the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines, as the guest of honor

As per contract signed by the late Bishop Hernando Antiporda in behalf of Cardinal Santos and the ICM Sisters, the full administration of the school including the care of the buildings belonged to the latter. While all the parish priests from the time of Msgr. Guillermo Mendoza to Msgr. Severino Lorica acted as Directors of the school, the ICM Sisters took over in 1993. School Year 1975-1976 saw a significant change introduced by the ICM Sisters: the practice of appointing lay administrators to occupy key positions in the school to help in its management, which is still being honored up to this time.

Times change, and even the orientation of the religious congregations do. By the end of school year 1992-1993, the Sisters informed Cardinal Jaime L. Sin, Archbishop of Manila, of their decision to turn over the administration of the school to the parish priest of Sto. Niño Parish. When Msgr. Severino Lorica assumed the directorship of the school at the start of School Year 1993-1994, he appointed Mrs. Elizabeth Mendoza and Miss Emolyn Guamil as Principals of the Elementary Department and the High School Department, respectively. Along with the change in school administration, management of construction projects started in 1989 and continues until the present time.

Four Decades of Journey - The Plant continues to bear fruits: Co-Education Commenced

In 1994-1995, the Sisters of the Missionary Apostles of Christ in the Eucharist (MACE) were invited to help in the areas of finance and religious education. This was also the year when the high school department started accepting its first male enrollees.

Educational Journey - A Response to Globalization

To address the call for globalization in a technologically driven society, computer education was offered in the High School Department starting School Year 1996-1997 and in the Elementary Department in 1997-1998.

Five Decades of Journey: The Plant Propagates

Another major shift in administration happened in 2002 when Msgr. Lorica relinquished the directorship of the school to a dynamic young priest-educator, Rev. Fr. Nolan Que Ph.D. Upon assumption to office, Fr. Nolan made efforts to fine-tune the operations of the school. Improvements in all areas especially Instruction were in full swing. Phase by phase, the repair and maintenance was done; the acquisition of instructional facilities became regular and the construction of the new four - storey building for additional classrooms and administrative offices was realized in SY 2008-2009. The Speech Laboratory was provided for in 2009, while the restructuring for Library expansion was done. All classrooms were installed with air-conditioning units, provided with white boards and some with LCD units for technology-aided instruction. As the school opened in June 2012, the newly built DM Consunji Auditorium, named after its benefactor, became the venue for parent’s orientation.

A Journey to Continuous Quality Education: Service to the Needy

Cognizant of the avowed VMGO, the school continues to soar high in its quest for quality Catholic education and extension services. In SY 2008-2009, Buhay Riles became the major beneficiary of the outreach program and activities of the school. In June 2010, the school opened its door for free formal education to 30 out-of-school indigents for Evening High School Enrollees. This educational ministry that gives the out-of-school youth in the nearby communities a chance to experience Catholic education, was pioneered by then CCF Head/School Director- Rev. Father Nolan A. Que, Ph.D., where 39 seniors of the first graduating batch of the Evening High School graduated in March 2013.

Continuous Jouney to Catholic Education: A Seal of Quality

Pivotal to the thrusts of the School Director Fr Nolan Que has laid down for SJS, is the insurance of continuous quality education and services through PAASCU accreditation. In School year 2007-2008, the Institutional Self-Survey (ISS) was initiated. The success of Consultancy Visit of PAASCU on September 17, 2008, prepared the SJS community for a Preliminary Survey held on August 10 & 11, 2009. This elevated SJS to “PAASCU candidate status” while strengthening the four areas: Faculty, Instruction, Library & Student Services, in preparation for the Formal visit on March 4 & 5, 2013. St. Joseph School of Pandacan was then granted PAASCU Accreditation Level I in May of the same year.

As the school continues to provide Quality Catholic Education, the Basic Education Program is granted re-accreditation (PAASCU Level II) for five years, valid until May 2022. In 2019, St. Joseph School of Pandacan has been invited to apply for Level III accreditation.

St. Joseph School of Pandacan Building and Grounds

  1. Sr. Alice Dieltiens - Finance Bldg. including the Chapel
  2. Sr. Teresita Montoya - ECE Bldg.
  3. Sr. Estrella Ache - Clinic
  4. Sr, Lourdes Velasco – Grade School / DMCI Auditorium
  5. Msgr. Severino Lorica Bldg. – Guidance Office, Registrar and GS & HS levels
  6. Fr. Nolan Que Bldg.
  7. Msgr. Victor Serrano Bldg.
  8. Msgr. Guillermo Mendoza Gymnasium
  9. High School Grounds

Old Maps

A people called by the Father in Jesus Christ to become a Community of persons with Fullness of Life witnessing to the Kingdom of God by living the Paschal Mystery in the Power of the Holy Spirit with Mary as companion.

St. Joseph School of Pandacan, a member of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila Educational System (RCAM ES), is a partner of the parish community of Sto. Nino in the evangelization and education of its members. It envisions itself as an instrument for the holistic formation of individuals through the delivery of quality basic education to the youth who will be servant-leaders of Church and Nation.

Inspired by the love of Sto. Nino for children and guided by the virtues of Mary and Joseph, we, the members of the academic community of St. Joseph School of Pandacan, commit ourselves:

  • To be simple

  • To be temperate

  • To be just

  • To be obedient

  • To be of service

  • To be excellent

  • To be pious

  • To be honest at all times

School Motto

Go to St. Joseph to serve God and country

School Logo

St. Joseph School of Pandacan Logo

The logo of St. Joseph School of Pandacan is derived from its Patron, Saint Joseph, the Worker. Its symbols represent the following:

  • The white lily symbolizes holiness and purity;
  • The carpenter’s saw signifies habitual diligence and hard work;
  • The shield manifests protection and defense against evil; and
  • The eight scallops represent the school core values.

The school aims to form the students according to the virtue of Saint Joseph. The four symbols in the logo aptly convey the saint’s main characteristics: pure, holy and just, hardworking and protector and defender against the evil and harm.

School Hymn

San Jose

Ikaw ang aming paaralan
San Jose tunay naming mahal
Aming tagumpay sa iyo iaalay
Kahit aming abang buhay
San Jose mahal ka namin
pagka’t sa’yo kami’y inihabilin
Natamong karunungan sa iyo galing
Na naging tanglaw naming sa dilim.

At kung kami’y nasa tagumpay na
Lagi ka naming maaalala
Gintong aral na aming nakuha
Mananatiling lantay at maganda.
San Jose… San Jose…
Sadya ka ngang walang kapara
Kaya diwa nami’t dibdib
Ang sigaw… “Mabuhay Ka!”


Goals and Objectives

St. Joseph School of Pandacan aims to create an atmosphere permeated with the spirit of the Gospel, as well as an environment that provides opportunities conducive to learning and to the formation of the youth in order to realize its vision and to fulfill its mission. Specifically, St. Joseph School of Pandacan aims:

  • To integrate religion in all subject areas of instruction in the high school and elementary curricula;

  • To maintain a high quality of instruction; and

  • To preserve the harmonious and effective partnership of school, Church and community.

Early Childhood Education Objectives

The Pre-school Department aims to promote a standardized and quality Catholic Education. Thus, the pupils are expected to:

  1. Develop their cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills;

  2. Enhance their spiritual aspects and recognize God as the Father;

  3. Appreciate the beauty of God’s creations;

  4. Cultivate their desired capabilities and talents;

  5. Practice cooperation and collaboration inside the classroom;

  6. Work independently and harmoniously through active involvement in the community and school activities;

  7. Respect Mother Mary as Jesus’ mother and our mother too and;

  8. Know more about Jesus and express our love for Him.

Grade School Basic Education Objectives

The SJSP Grade School Department aims to produce learners/individuals who:

  1. Understand the church teachings and apply these in their daily lives;
    To achieve this objective, the Grade School Department shall provide for the following:

    1. Inculcation of spiritual and civic values
    2. Development of a good Filipino identity based on an abiding faith in God and genuine love for the country
    3. Imitation of good values as children of God
  2. Are aware of their rights, duties and responsibilities in democratic society for active participation in a progressive and protective home and community life;

  3. Develop the basic understanding and love about the Philippine culture, the desirable traditions and virtues of our people as essential requirement in attaining national consciousness and solidarity;

  4. Acquire the basic health knowledge and the formation of desirable health habits and practices;

  5. Attain functional literacy in Filipino and English as basic tools for further learning;

  6. Exhibit fundamental knowledge, attitudes, habits, and skills in Science, Civics and Culture, Mathematics, MAPEH and Home Economics and their intelligent application in appropriate life situations.

Junior High School Basic Education Objectives

The SJSP Junior High School Department commits itself to produce completers who;

  1. Are well-rounded persons who inculcate the core values of a Josephian; first and foremost is to serve God and country

  2. Broaden scientific, intellectual, and technological knowledge and skills for self-development and promote the welfare of others in varied life situations

  3. Establish values for a meaningful utilization of their skills and /or preparation for their college or tertiary schooling and/or education

  4. Deepen and imbibe knowledge, moral and spiritual values for understanding the nature and purpose of the human person and thus of one’s self, one’s own people and other people’s culture and races both in our country and in the community of nations.

  5. Promote love for humanity, justice and peace guided by Catholic faith and tradition.

  6. Are highly skilled in the use of information technology and are globally competitive; and

  7. Manifest pride, appreciation and loyalty to St. Joseph School of Pandacan.